

At The Movies ... in Owens Valley

Melody Ranch - 1940
Melody Ranch - 1940
Movies Filmed in Owens Valley |

Lone Pine Film History Museum
Lone Pine, Where the Real West Becomes the Reel West

Movies/Documentaries/TV Series Filmed in Owens Valley

The Western Stars |
Bob Wills
1905 - 1975 |
Bob Wilke
1914 - 1989 |
Lloyd Whitlock
1891 - 1966 |
James Warren
1913 - 2001
Eli Wallach
1915 - 2014
Wally Wales
1895 - 1980 |
Bob Allen
1906 - 1998 |
Slim Andrews
1906 - 1992
James Arness
1923 - 2011
Bob Baker
1920 - 1975
Jim Bannon
1911 - 1984 |
Wallace Beery
1885 - 1949 |
Noah Beery Sr.
1882 - 1946
Noah Beery Jr.
1913 - 1994 |
Ray Bennett
1895 - 1957 |
Ward Bond
1903 - 1960 |
Bronco Billy Anderson
1880 - 1971 |
Wesley Barry
1907 - 1994 |
Gene Barry
1919 - 2009
Buzz Barton
1913 - 1980 |
Warner Baxter
1889 - 1951 |

From the "Oakland Tribune" of July 27, 1961
Oldest actress, Mrs. Tatzumbie Du Pea, born in Lone Pine in 1849 celebrates 112 year birthday.

From the "Oakland Tribune" of December 19, 1954
Producer Walter Wanger selects Lone Pine for the filming of "The Adventures of Hajji Baba."
The cast is headed by John Derek, Elaine Stewart, Thomas Gomez, Amanda Blake and Rosemarie Bowe.


From the "Oakland Tribune" of August 15, 1954
"Bad Day at Blackrock" stars Spencer Tracy, Robert Ryan, Walter Brennan, Anne Francis, John Erickson and other cast members take Lone Pine in stride. |
The Stuntmen
(Courtesy Museum of Western Film History)

From the "Oakland Tribune" of August 2, 1936
On location in Lone Pine and Mammoth for the filming of "Lost Horizon."
Herb Hirst, location expert for RKO-Radio.

From the "Inyo Independent" of October 25, 1935
Film groups in Lone Pine - Republic Pictures Co., Supreme Pictures Corp. with Johnny Mack Brown, Larry Darmour Productions with Ken Maynard, Predential Corporation |

How Many Times Can They Remake The Same Movie?
William Farnum |
Tom Mix |
George O'Brien |
John Kimbrough |
From the "Inyo Independent" of October 16, 1920.
The "Roundup" starring Roscoe (Fatty) Arbuckle, filmed in Lone Pine, showing at the Independence Theatre.

Clayton Moore as the Lone Ranger
From "The Healdsburg Tribune" of July 5, 1933.
Hoot Gibson injured when his plane crashes in a race with Ken Maynard during the national air races at Los Angeles.

From the "Big Pine Citizen" of May 29, 1926
Eric Von Stroheim will be in Big Pine at the Palisade Glacier in July filming for the Lasky Company.
Randolph Scott (1898 - 1987)
(Courtesy Museum of Western Film History)

Rat Race - 2001 |
Rider from Tucson - 1950
True Grit - 1969
True Grit - 1969 (At Hot Creek) |
True Grit - 1969 (At Hot Creek) |
