Father John J. Crowley (1891-1940) |
Text and picture excerpts
from the
"Desert Padre: The Life and Writings of Father John J.
by Joan Brooks, unless otherwise indicated.
See USE NOTICE on Home Page.
Crowley Family

The Crowley
family at Father Fred Crowley's ordination in 1934.
L to R: (seated) Sister Petra, Sister Josephine, Sister Paula,
Mrs. Nora Hansen.
L to R: (standing) Rev. John J. Crowley, Rev. Fred Crowley, Rev.
Thomas Lyne (uncle from Ireland),
Rev. George Crowley, S.J. and
Frank M. Crowley.
Pracchia photo) |

of the Desert Padre
by William Webster

An Irishman's Diary about Fr. John Crowley,
'Padre of the Desert'
by Joe Breen
Some men long for the cities crowds, and some for the pagan land,
And some would toil in the wilderness where the heart is allied
with the hand.
One such man came to the choice of roads, and he chose a forbidding
His only arms was a friendly heart, and the love of God was his
He dwells where the far-flung Sierra looks down on a land of
He knows the chill of the lofty peaks and the heat of the desert's
To mankind in pain, though storm winds howl intrepid he goes
to their side.
Though weary and worn will he bring them hope 'In whose breasts
all hope has died.
Men call him the Desert Padre, as he carries his message of love;
And he seems to have learned from the silences and the vast star-decked
heavens above.
In his presence men feel only reverence though he speaks with
a common touch;
His praises are free as his reprimands and he never demands too
His mountains have taught him a steadiness, his desert has drilled
him in peace;
Sunrises have pictured glories of God and the sunsets, divine
And we who stand on the outer edge of his all-enveloping love;
May learn just a bit from this desert priest of the strength
he draws from above.
And we'll point to him as the years roll by, when we write with
a failing pen;
As one who walked in the steps of Christ, and loved all of his
fellow men.
And his life shall stand as a monument by the trails that his
feet have trod,
For we know that this padre of desert wastes shall sit close
to the throne of God.
David Bromley, Bishop, California, 1939. |

J. Crowley as a Holy Cross College graduate. 1915 yearbook photo.
Cross College archive photo)

Crowley wrote under the pen name of "Inyokel" in the
more than 200 "Sage and Tumbleweed" columns
which he published from August of 1934 through March of 1940. |

Father Crowley
and William Boyd (Hopalong Cassidy) depositing water gourd at
the Bank of America, Lone Pine during the "Wedding of the
Museum photo) |


Story Behind Sage and Tumbleweed
by Inyokel

Father Crowley
at the Movies
These images represent just a handful of the many celebrities
to which Fr. Crowley extended his warm hearted kindness to, and
a few of the pictures they starred in which were filmed in Owens
Valley during the time Fr. Crowley spent in Lone Pine. |

"The Cowboy
and the Lady"
Gary Cooper
courtesy of the Ravin'
Maven] |

of the Light Brigade"
Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland
Father Crowley's talents as a producer and showman explain why
he related so well to the personnel of the movie industry when
they came to Lone Pine to shot films in the nearby Alabama Hills.
During the years that Father Crowley was in Lone Pine, such famous
movies as Gunga Din, Lives of the Bengal Lancers,
Oil for the Lamps of China, Charge of the Light Brigade,
Rhythm on the Range, and numerous westerns featuring Ken
Maynard, John Wayne, Gene Autry, Roy Rogers and William Boyd
*(Hopalong Cassidy) were filmed. The song "Donkey Serenade"
from the movie Firefly was first practiced on the piano
in the Santa Rosa parish hall.
Books) |
shots from the filming of Gunga Din in the Alabama Hills of Lone
Pine. |
Elephant scene in the Alabama Hills
Elephant scene in the Alabama Hills |

Temple in the Alabama Hills |

Cary Grant |

William Boyd
- aka. "Hopalong Cassidy" |

Douglas Fairbanks Jr. |

on Movie Production in Lone Pine
by Fr. John
J. Crowley

by Fr. John
J. Crowley

Father Crowley
at the pump in Swansea, California on the shores of Owens Lake.
Pracchia photo)

Father Crowley
saying Mass at the Smithsonian hut on the summit of Mt. Whitney
with Harry Clinch in September of 1934.
Shelton photo)

Father Crowley,
Leo Carillo (actor), and Captain Cadwell (commander of the CCC)
at a CCC entertainment event in Death Valley.
Museum photo)

Father Crowley's
dog, Tray, who was with Father Crowley when he died.
Pracchia photo)

Father Crowley
meeting Lou Gehrig and Babe Ruth in Fresno in 1927.
C. Laval photo)
Fr. Crowley memorial plaque at Crowley Point |
Father Crowley on the western side of Mt. Whitney |

on the Summit of Mt. Whitney
by Fr. John
J. Crowley

September 12, 1934 Father Crowley was the first priest to celebrate
Mass on the top of Mt. Whitney on a portable altar outside the
Smithsonian hut on the 14,495-foot peak. He was assisted by Harry
Clinch, the seminarian from Fresno who was on summer leave. The
two had packed the Mass vestments, portable altar, altar stone,
prayer cards, the chalice and camping necessities on a mule and
hiked as far as Chrysler and Cook's Outpost Camp at 10,300 feet.
Here they rested for the night and added water and wood to their
pack. Arriving at the summit before noon, Father Crowley said
Mass to celebrate the feast of the Holy Name of the Virgin Mary.
A young hiker, Charles Shelton, (later to become publisher of
Desert magazine) passed by and caught the moment on his camera.
The photo was printed in the Los Angeles Times of Nov. 13, 1938
as a photo contest entry and later circulated throughout the
United States. After Mass they broke their fast with some hot
coffee over a campfire and admired the view from the top. It
was a far cry from the ailing Padre who arrived in Lone Pine
a few short months before! As mentioned above, the CCC were beginning
their project of road building to Hunter's Flat. The New Deal
had begun with President Franklin D. Roosevelt and on March 31,
1933 the Civilian Conservation Corps was founded. This program,
commonly known as the CCC, had two goals: 1) to provide work
for the unemployed young people and 2) to restore the nation's
depleted natural resources. The program took impoverished unemployed,
unmarried young men from 17 to 25 from the urban streets and
poverty-stricken rural farms and put them under the watchful
eyes of the U.S. Army for their camp discipline and housing.
A group of trained engineers and other experts were with them
out in the field where they worked throughout the United States
for the National Park Service and the National Forest Service
in the construction of aqueducts, bridges, roads, trails, campgrounds
and ranger stations. They were paid $30 a month, kept $5.00 for
the "Captain's table" and the rest was sent home to
their families.
One of these camps was established in Lone Pine in the spring
of 1933 about eight miles west of Lone Pine in what was then
called Hunter's Flat. They worked under the Inyo National Forest
Service rangers to build a major camp and from there went out
to smaller "spike" camps to help build roads, trails
and campground facilities in the forest. About 200 young men
were stationed at the Lone Pine Campground. It took them about
three months to build the ten mile road to Whitney Portal, the
trailhead to Mt. Whitney. Most of the material-sand, rock and
timber-came from the area. This group also improved the trail
to the top of 14,495-foot Mt. Whitney. Both Whitney Portal and
the CCC boys were close to Father Crowley's heart. At this time
he was paid as a part-time chaplain at $35 a month, a sum which
helped a little in the poor parish budget. In 1936 he had a stone
cabin built with the help of the stone mason, Steve Esteves,
and his helper, Dobe Gunnarson, at Whitney Portal. It served
as a cool refuge from the summer desert heat and a place of peaceful
retreat for an overworked Padre. He had wanted it to be a place
where his fellow priests could also get away to a "quiet
The Central California Register's editor mourned when
Father Crowley left Fresno since it meant the delightful yet
instructive column "Frater Con" would no longer grace
its pages. Father Crowley, too, missed the writing he so enjoyed.
On August 12, 1934 his new column began in the Register,
with the logo showing an old prospector sitting under a lone
pine, with Mt. Whitney in the distance. The title read "Sage
and Tumbleweed by Inyokel, some facts about the top of the United
States and the bottom, Death Valley-and what lies in between!"
In the lower left corner was: "Box 74-A Lone Pine, Inyo
County, California." The design of the logo is believed
to have been done by Father Crowley himself. These columns were
to continue until the last published on March 22, 1940. Eventually
the Inyo Independent got wind of these articles, until
then only read by the Catholic subscribers, so they obtained
permission to reprint them as of May 12, 1939. |

on Mary Austin
two articles
by Fr. John J. Crowley

by Fr. John
J. Crowley
Jeanette MacDonald & Nelson Eddy
"The Girl of the Golden West"
Fr. Crowley's Thoughts
on the Burro
Sage and Tumbleweed
September 22, 1935
by Inyokel
On a trip to the high country, the Padre's horses thrice tried
to rid himself of his rider by rolling on him. But the Padre
rolled his own and escaped. Al Lackey of the old Barton cow camp
on Roaring River remarked, "That horse must have some hatred
for the Catholic clergy. Perhaps he belongs to another Church."
"Yes," agreed the Padre, "he seems to be a wholly
Praise for the Burro
by Fr. John
J. Crowley
Origin of the Burro
by Fr. John
J. Crowley
a Recalcitrant Burro
by Fr. John
J. Crowley

The Dow
Hotel and Santa Rosa Church (to the right) as it looked in the
early thirties.
Bunn photo)

The Old
Santa Rosa Church, Lone Pine, California. The church was dedicated
in 1919 shortly before Father Crowley's arrival in Lone Pine.
California Museum photo)

Father Crowley
with Dr. and Mrs. Howard Dueker and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hopkins
planning the "Wedding of the Waters" in 1937.
California Museum photo)

Our Lady of Victory Church on East Line Street, Bishop, CA.
As it appeared when Fr. Crowley first came to Inyo County in 1919
2000 Holy Cross Magazine photo)

Father Crowley
planning the "Wedding of the Waters" in 1937.
2000 Holy Cross Magazine photo - cover of the Saturday Evening
The memorial to Father Crowley near the scene of his death, along SR 14 just south of the intersection with SR 178 |
I was recently scanning some negatives that belonged to my Great Grandmother, Lena Sainz. This is Father Crowley with my Grandmother, Lois Boyer (daughter of Lena). Lois was born in 1932 in Lone Pine. I think this is her first communion, at the Catholic Church in Lone Pine, where it used to sit next to the Dow Villa Hotel.
(Photo and text courtesy of Jeremy Warner)

Wedding of the Waters
by Fr. John
J. Crowley
California's Gold - The
Wedding of the Waters - Episode 110

Greetings, Ray
I was going through some of my collection and found this old postal cover. It was to commerate the highway between Death Valley and Mt. Whitney. The cover has postal stamps from Death Valley, Keeler and Lone Pine. The two post marks on the back are from October 30, 1937, one of the days being from the commerative event. The cover was carried to the summit of Mt. Whitney. Huell Howser did a one hour show on this... "Wedding of the Waters".
May 2021
Click here to see the back of the CARD.
courtesy of Bob Pilatos] |

The Story Behind
the Wedding of the Waters
by Fr. John
J. Crowley

Further Reading
on Father Crowley