Keeler, California - The Olds Family #2

All photographs on this page courtesy of Garey Ford unless otherwise noted.
Garey Ford
My wife's father, Rodney Allen Olds, was born in Keeler in the mid-twenties. His father, Loren Olds, lived and worked for the National Soda Products Co. (NSP). I'm attaching the family photos of the Olds family while they lived in the NSP Co.Village in 1925. Also, included in the pictures is the Keeler (Mapes) Hotel fire in 1925 and the Owens River Gorge Plant. Hope you get these so others may enjoy them too. Garey Ford (Wife, Teresa M. Olds).
PS: also included are pictures of the David Olds family ranch in Bishop 1885.
April 2012

Dud Peterson and Art Olds
Keeler, CA - 1924
Dud Peterson, Vera, Malvina, Daphne, Doris, Art
Keeler, CA - 1924
Gramps on the engine , Marc Manoose with pipe
NSP 1924
Gramps second left back row
Front row left to right, Dee, Dodie and Art Olds
The "Keeler Bunch" - 1926
Back Row: Les, Loren, Lillis
2nd Row: Maria, Theodore, Charles Luther,
3rd Row: Jim, Elvelyn
Front: Lester, Walter Olds
about 1906
Little Jack who was Orin D Olds oldest boy.
Killed by an Indian in1927
Bishop, CA

Front row left, Dee, Dodie
2nd row 3rd left Art Olds
Sunday school class 1925

Loren & Melvina (Peterson) Olds - 1914
Mapes Hotel fire Keeler CA - 1925
Melvina (Granny), Daphna (Dodie), Doris (Dee), Art Olds, ukn,
Dudley Peterson on Olds ranch
Bishop, CA - 1922
Melvina (Peterson) Olds in Keeler, CA - 1925
Mule, Doris and Art Olds, Grandpa Olds ranch
Bishop, CA - 1923
NSP Keeler, CA - 1924

NSP Annie Free
(house where Rod Olds was born in 1926)
NSP Annie Free
Keeler, CA - 1925
NSP Ashcraft, Keeler, CA - 1926
NSP Esther Free
Keeler, CA - 1925
NSP Gladys Ashcraft and Zoe Marsh
Keeler, CA - 1925
NSP Gladys Ashcraft
Keeler, CA - 1925

Dud, Dick, Granny Dick, Gramps, Granny, Dodie, and Dee and others, Owens River Gorge
Fire in Keeler, CA - 1925, (National Soda Products village)
Hazel and Olice Tabor, Art and Doris Olds, Robert Tabor, Daphne Olds, Virla Tabor
Owens River 1925
Mapes Hotel fire Keeler, CA - 1925
National Soda Products Co., Keeler, CA - 1925
Nettie, David and Charles Luther Olds
Round Valley, CA - about 1885
NSP Keeler, CA - 1920
NSP Keller, CA - 1925
NSP Keller, CA - 1925
NSP Keller, CA - 1925: Gramps on the front of the engine
NSP Keller, CA - 1925: Larry Morallis in front a friend of Gramps
NSP Keller, CA - 1925: Larry Morallis squating, a friend of Gramps
David Olds farm (Nettie, David and Charles Luther Olds)
Round Valley, Bishop, CA - 1885

