Mt. Whitney Pack Trains Photo Request |

We are looking for any slides, prints, scanned images (preferably greater than 600 dpi) that you might have when you were on either a Sierra Club Trip (High Trip, Highlight Trip, Saddle Light Trip, etc.), Trail Riders of the Wilderness, All Expense Paid Private Party Trip, Spot Trip etc. that you took with Mt. Whitney Pack Trains from the 1930s until 1972.
We are particulary interested in photos you may have taken that include Mt. Whitney Pack Trains packers, cooks, packers on the trail, packers and their horses and mules, wrecks, packers with guests etc. I think you understand. The approximate year you took the photo would be great, if you can recall, and where.
You can either e-mail (raydelea@verizon.net) scanned images to me or send me your originals and I will quickly scan them and return them to you.
We are trying
to piece together a history of the early outfit for everyone's enjoyment and historical interest.
As always, if you have stories to go along with the photos, or just stories of events on the trip that you took with the outfit, they are most welcomed and appreciated.
Ray DeLea
Mt. Whitney Pack Trains packer (1965-1970) |
