photos are courtsey of Ray DeLea ("The Pigmy Packer") unless otherwise noted.
All photographs are copyright Ray DeLea.
The following are photographs I have taken in and around Owens Valley.
More of my Owens Valley photographs can be found on FLICKR.

Old U.S. 395 near Aberdeen, CA. |
Old U.S. 395 near Aberdeen, CA. |
Off of old U.S. 395 near Aberdeen, CA. |
Off of old U.S. 395 near Aberdeen, CA. |
Old U.S. 395 near Aberdeen, CA. |

Sierra Nevada panorama between Independence and Big Pine, CA. |
Sierra Nevada panorama near Big Pine, CA. |
Road to Taboose Creek and Taboose Pass Trail |
Cardinal Mtn. (Left) and Split Mtn. (Right) - Two peaks that Norman Jefferson
and I climbed in 1970 on a Sierra Club High Trip |
Sierra Nevada to the south of Taboose Creek |
California Institute of Technology
Owens Valley Radio Observatory between Big Pine and Bishop, CA |

22 mule team mural on wall in Bishop, CA. |
Mural on wall in Bishop, CA. |
Mural on wall in Bishop, CA. |
Mural on wall in Bishop, CA. |
Mural on wall in Bishop, CA. |
Mural on wall in Bishop, CA. |
Mural on wall in Bishop, CA. |
Mural on wall in Bishop, CA. |

Laws Railroad Museum, Laws, CA. |
Painting at the Laws Railroad Museum, Laws, CA. |
Laws Railroad Museum, Laws, CA. |
Laws Railroad Museum, Laws, CA. |
Laws Railroad Museum, Laws, CA. |
Laws Railroad Museum, Laws, CA. |
Laws Railroad Museum, Laws, CA. |
Shoeing Machine at the Laws Railroad Museum, Laws, CA. |
Laws Railroad Museum, Laws, CA. |

Benton general store, Benton, CA. |

Benton Hot Springs |
Benton Hot Springs |
Benton Hot Springs |
Benton Hot Springs |
Benton Hot Springs |
Benton Hot Springs |

Black Lake between Benton Hot Springs and Mono Lake |
Bodie "Mono Mills" lumber mill remains on highway 120. |
Mono Lake |
Mono Lake |
Mono Lake |