crowley lake resort
Crowley Lake Resort

McGee Creek
Round Valley
Sherwin Grade
Tom's Place
Paradise Camp

and surrounding areas


All Fotocards courtesy of Rich McCutchan unless otherwise indicated.

See USE NOTICE on Home Page.


new 07/21

cattle drive

Cowboys on Long Valley cattle drive - 1938.
L/R: Jess Chance, Gus Cashbaugh, Pete Atchison, Lloyd Phillips, Floyd Phillips, Hank Houghton, Jim Cashbaugh (current Jim's grandfather),
George Watterson
(Photo courtesy of Rob Pearce who got the photo from Alonna Giacomini)


long valley village
Long Valley Village

long valley village
Long Valley Village

mcgee creek
McGee Creek Resort

McGee Creek
McGee Creek Lodge

McGee Creek
McGee Creek Resort

McGee Creek

McGee Creek Lodge

McGee Creek
McGee Creek Resort

McGee Creek

McGee Creek Resort

McGee Creek
McGee Creek Lodge

McGee Creek

McGee Creek Lodge

McGee Creek

McGee Creek Lodge

McGee Creek

McGee Creek Pack Station


toms place
Tom's Place
toms place
Tom's Place

tom's place
Tom's Place

toms place
Tom's Place

toms place
Bear Creek Spire

tom's place
Peaks of Little Lakes Valley

pine creek
Hauling Machinery for the Tungste Mines Company

pine creek
Leaving camp on Pine Creek

pine creek

Pine Creek catch

pine creek
Breaking Camp at Lake Italy
pine creek
Breaking Camp at Pilot Dome

sherwin grade
Sherwin Grade

sherwin grade
Sherwin Hill Highway Festival
new 08/22
round valley
Round Valley Kinney Ranch

new 08/22
round valley
Round Valley Kinney Ranch

new 08/22
round valley
Round Valley - Mt. Tom

new 08/22
round valley
Round Valley Evans Ranch

new 08/22
round valley
Round Valley Evans Ranch


sherwin grade
Sherwin Grade under construction
sherwin grade
Sherwin Grade

sherwin grade
Sherwin Grade

sherwin grade
Round Valley and Mt. Tom from Sherwin Grade

sherwin grade
Sherwin Hill Highway Festival crowd

sherwin grade
Round Valley and Mt. Tom from Sherwin Grade

watterson ranch
Round Valley Watterson Ranch

round valley
Cutting hay on the Round Valley Watterson Ranch

round valley
Round Valley Watterson Ranch

round valley
Cutting hay on the Round Valley Watterson Ranch

round valley
Round Valley Tungsten Mine Company

round valley
On the Bushey's home - Mining Camp


mono county
Old Mining Stamp Mill somewhere in Mono County
mono countyu
Sheep somewhere in Mono County

paradise camp
Rock Creek at Paradise Camp

paradise camp
Paradise Camp

paradise camp
Trout Pond at Paradise Camp

paradise camp
Paradise Camp

new 08/21
paradise camp
Paradise Camp

new 08/21
paradise camp
Paradise Camp

new 08/21
paradise camp
Paradise Camp

rock creek inn

Rock Creek Inn

tom's place
Tom's Cabin at Tom's Place

tom's place
Tom's Cabin at Tom's Place

broken bar pack station
Broken Bar Pack Station near Rock Creek Lodge

broken bar pack outfit
Broken Bar Pack Outfit crossing Mono Creek

cabin on rock creek
Ranger's Cabin on Rock Creek

new 08/21
rock creek
End of the Trail to Lakes Catherine and Buck in Rock Creek Basin

new 08/21
mcgee creek
Cabin at McGee Creek Resort


tom's place
Tom's Cabin at Tom's Place

tom's place
Tom's Cabin at Tom's Place

tom's place
Tom's Place at Rock Creek

End of a perfect day in the High Sierra near Tom's Place

broken bar pack outfit
Broken Bar Pack Outfit, crossing Mono Pass

tom's place
Tom's Cabin at Tom's Place

owens river trout
Owens River trout near Tom's Place

rock creek trout
Golden Trout from Rock Creek near Lone Pine, CA

tom's place
Tom's Place in the winter

tom's place
Tom's Place advertisement

rock creek inn
Rock Creek Inn

tom's place
Tom's Place near Rock Creek


dog sled
Dog sled team bringing supplies to Tom's Place
broken bar pack outfit
Broken Bar Pack Outfit crossing Mono Pass

tom's place
Tom's Place

tom's place
Tom's Cabin at Tom's Place

tom's place
The Lodge at Tom's Place

tom's place
Rock Creek Lake's Store

rock creek
Winter snow at Tom's Place

rock creek inn
Rock Creek Inn
(Photocard courtesy of Hal Eaton)


temple of folly
Temple of Folly and Post Office in Mammoth - Circa 1879
(Eastern California Museum photo)


Fotocards courtesy of Beth Gardner
lava arches
Lava Arches - Twin Lakes, CA
tamarack lodge
Inside of Tamarack Lodge

mammoth lakes
Mammoth Lakes

mamoth lakes highway
Mammoth Lakes Highway - Mammoth Lakes, CA

lake mary store
Lake Mary Store Mammoth Lakes, CA

whites lodge
whites Lodge - Mammoth Lakes, CA

tamarack lodge
Tamarack Lodge

mammoth lakes
Mammoth Lakes, CA


new 09/21
Fish Fry above Little Round Valley panorama courtesy of Pam Milligan Vaughan - circa 1912

Panel 1
L/R: Mark Watterson, Herb Wells, Prince Smith, L. A. Hazard, Burdick Eaton, John McGee

Panel 2
L/R: John McGee, Harry Glasscock, Bert Johnson, Guy Dusenberry, Bill Roberts, Frank Kilpatrick, Chas Bigelow, Dick Eldred, Win Eldred, Willie Roberts, Murphy Kinney, Frank Butler

Panel 3
L/R: Little Chas Summers, Chas Summers Sr., Bill Nourse, Chas Curtis, Freddie Brooks, Will L. Smith, W. G. Scott, Alney McGee (on horse), W. W. Watterson

The five kneelers are (in no particular order): Dr. John Simpson McQueen (bald), Ulysses Grant Smith, Iri Samuel Newlan, Edmund Eastman McKeen, Benjamin Robinson Liston

Panel 4
L/R: W. W. Watterson, Guy Way, W. P. Yaney, W. W. Leffingwell, Bill Tinder, Karl Keough, H. N. Gunter, Bill Chalfant

Panel 5
L/R: H. N. Gunter, Bill Chalfant, L. Wiel, Lloyd Summers, W. A Trickey, Bill or Lloyd Skinner, Ira Otis Clark, Irs's boy, Tom Summers, Harry Shaw

Panel 6
L/R: Lloyd Summers, W. A. Trickey, Bill or Lloyd Skinner, Ira Otis Clark, Irs's boy, Tom Summers, Harry Shaw, Ed Ober, Bill Parcher


Palisades and Glacier Lodge
Laws and Laws Railroad Museum
Reif Kipp Archives
More Long Valley, Tom's Place and Surrounding Areas
Mammoth Lakes andSurrounding Areas
June Lake and Surrounding Areas
Mono Lake and Surrounding Areas

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This page was last updated on 30 April 2024