Owens Valley's
- Los Angeles Aqueduct

Owens Lake looking east from Olancha in 1906
Photo courtesy of the water Resources Center Archives, Orbach Science Library, University of California, Riverside, CA, |

100 Men At Work On Aqueduct Near Haiwii Reservoir
Inyo Independent |
With more than 100 men at work, part of them working on night shifts when necessary, a rush job is being completed by the bureau of water and power at North Haiwii reservoir.
Re-lining work is being carried out on the aqueduct near Haiwii and new gates and other concrete work is being installed.
While this work is going on it has been necessary to divert all water out of the aqueduct between a short distance below Tinnemaha dam and Haiwii, storing part of it in Tinnemaha and the remainder is being spread over the flats below the dam, near Aberdeen and Independence. |

"The Stoddard-Dayton Story"
by Daniel Strohl

Caterpillar Traction Engine
Haiwee Tower - 1913 |
Haiwee dam by-pass construction - 1912 |
General view of Haiwee dam looking east - 1911 |
Haiwee dam fill, north toe - 1911 |
Haiwee gate transition - 1913 |
Haiwee Dam construction - 1912 |
Red Cindar Cone in Rose Valley during the LA Aqueduct construction - 1912 |
Haiwee Lake - 1912 |
Haiwee Dam filling the trench with clay - 1911 |
Stoddard Dayton (auto) at Haiwee - 1908 |

Stoddard Dayton car stuck in rut during an Owens Valley survey. |
Building the El Camino Sierra in Owens Valley near Olancha - Owens Lake off to the right - 1908 |

Arrangement of hoist at Little Lake Division - 1909 |

Arrangement of hoist at Little Lake Division - 1909 |
Haiwee by-pass construction- 1912
Some of the construction crew workers in Owens Valley - 1907 |
Main canal near north Haiwee Dam - 1912.
Precise level-moving near Little Lake |
South of Haiwee Dam - dam construction rail lines still visible - 1912 |
Haiwee Reservoir site in Rose Valley - 1906 |
Up-stream face of Haiwee Dam during LA aqueduct construction - 1912 |
Haiwee by-pass construction - 1912 |
Haiwee by-pass - 1912 |
Stage road coming into Little Lake from the south - 1907 |
Southern Pacific Railroad line, with boxcars off to the right, at Little Lake - 1908. |

Nevada and California Railroad is Placed Under the Control o the Short Line
The San Francisco Call -30 AUGUST 19O5 |
General Manager (Calvin of the Southern - Pacific : Company yesterday received from Chicago a circular, signed by Julius Kruttschnitt, director of maintenance and of operations'of the Harriman lines, announcing that, beginning with September 1, the newly constructed, line known as the Hazen Cut-off, and the Carson and Colorado Railway, extending from Minn, Nevada, to Keeler, California, will be operated as part of the Oregon Short Line system under the direction o. General Manager Bancroft from the latter's offices in Salt Lake City. The cut-of at Hazen and the Carson and Colorado road, which E. H. Harriman is planning to extend from Keeler to Mojave on the Southern Pacific Company's main line, will hereafter be known as the Nevada and California Railroad, a corporation that was formed several months ago by the Harriman people to absorb what is eventually to be a direct outlet to the East from Southern California by way of Mojave.
It was stated yesterday at Manager Calvin's offices that few changes will be made in the operating department of the Nevada and California road and that J. M. Fulton will continue In the position of superintendent with his headquarters at Mina. The road wlll be broad gauge as far as Tonopah Junction, where it connects with the Tonopah line and the balance of the way to the terminus at Keeler it will be narrow gauge until Harrlmon is ready to conneot it up with the Southern Pacific at Mojave. General Manager Bancroft and General Superintendent Buckingham of the Oregon Short Line, and General Superintendent Palmer of the Southern Pacific are now making a tour of inspection of the Nevada and California line with a view of studying the needs of further improvements.
A telegram was received yesterday by General Passenger Agent T. H. Goodman of the Southern Pacific Company from General Manager Alonzo Trlpp of the Tonopah Railroad Company, stating that the latter's line between Tonopah and Goldfield will be opened on September 14, and that on that date and the two following days the inauguration of traffic operations between the two minlng towns will be fittingly celebrated under the auspices of the Tonopah railroad. |

in Owens Valley at Haiwee - 1906