Mt. Whitney Pack Trains' Packers:
1940s - 1972
courtesy of Paul Lamos archives]

Roster of Mt. Whitney Pack Trains Packers: .XLS - .PDF
Scott Adair |
Peggy Agnew |
Pat Ames |
Lynn Aronstan |
Ben Baker |
Lester Bellas |
Larry Berry |
Alfred Biering |
Billy Bishop |
Alvis Bonner |
Graham Boswell |
Eddie Bowman |
Eric Brockett |
Ed Brown |
Ken Bulke |
Smokey Bye |
Swede Carrasco |
Bill Carrasco |
Frank Chrysler |
Pard Cline |
Vasie Cline |
Ted Cook |
Fred Cook |
Sue Cox |
Rusty Criner |
Jack Crowley |
Ray "The Pigmy Packer" DeLea |
Leppy Diaz |
Jon Dittmer |
Jim DIttmer |
Bobby Douglas |
Nancy Droubay |
Don Felix |
Janis Field |
Hal Flueger |
Bob Foreman |
Mitzi Garner |
Pete Garner |
Buddy Garner |
Harold "Skinny" Gates |
Harold Gill |
Wendell Gill |
Jerry Gillaspe |
Charlie Gilmore |
William "Will" Gilstrap |
Jim Gordon |
Bob Hanson |
Ivan Hanson |
Enid Morgan Hanson |
Gene Harlan |
Hill Hastings |
Jack Heyneman |
Ed Henry |
Ken Hess |
Eustis Hill |
Don Hobbs |
Ron Hoffman |
Janice Hoffman |
Sam House |
Glen (Red) Howard |
Hank Houten |
Norman Jefferson |
Tommy Jefferson |
Barbara Jefferson |
Kathy Jefferson |
Melvin Joseph |
Loren Joseph |
Tom Joseph |
Rachel Joseph |
Warren Joslen |
Reif Kipp |
Irene Kritz |
Paul Lamos |
Ike Livermore |
Dina Livermore |
Norman Livermore |
Sam Livermore |
Craig London |
Jimmy Lowe |
J. Tugwell Malone |
Harry Mathers |
Garyanne McBain |
George McNeil |
Eddie Mike |
Fred Moore |
Bruce Morgan |
Grace Morgan |
David Morgan |
Charles Morgan |
Stephanie Morgan |
Mary Morgan |
Richard Morgan |
Al Noctribe |
Henry (Leakey) Olivas |
Pete Olivas |
Ethyl Olivas |
Little Orchid
(Ted Cook's Wife) |
Ted Ott |
Skip Parker |
Frannie Pearson |
Roberta Morgan Peters |
Salty Peters |
Hal Pflueger |
Clyde Poncho |
Gary Poncho |
Perry Pratt |
Chris Rich |
Olie Robinson |
Danny Rossi
Dorothy Von Loben Sels |
Penny Sewell |
Mary Slater |
Bill Smart |
Bud Steele |
Bob Steele |
Gene Steves |
Mert Stewart |
Ann Swingler |
Ed Thistlewait |
Wilson Thomas |
Greg Thompson |
Bob Tiege |
Dick Troeger |
Ed Turner |
Paul Valdon |
Pete Valdon |
Paul Visher |
Pamela Whitmore |
Stewart Yankton |
Sandra Jefferson Yonge |
Ben York |
Concepcion Zuniga |
Johnny ? |
Joe ? |
Ken (1964ish) ? |
Carol (1964ish)? |
Unknown 01 |
Unknown 02 |
Unknown 03 |
Unknown 04 |

Leilauni Holtz Writes |
Hi Ray,
I just looked at the pix of the Owens Valley Cowboys of 1951. Boy, you have some of my relatives everywhere. My Uncle Wendell Gill and his son, Gabe (who later in life moved in with me in San Diego until he could find a house to move into, is also in the pix. Wendell married one of Pete and Leaky Olivas' sister, Carrie. I also saw Uncle Wendell in a couple of the pix at Carrol Creek where they were loading the mule who was bucking away.
Of course Pete and Leaky were my Grandmother's brothers. She was in an old movie I have been trying to track, but difficult as she would never tell me the name, she always believed in doing your own research. She replace Spainhower's daughter who wanted to be the one to drive a runaway buckboard down Tuttle Creek Road but her Dad didn't think she could handle it so my Grandmother did the shoot. All the Olivas family could ride, rope and drive wagons, etc. As you know the families are all mixed.
You posted pix of Bill Carasco, also an inlaw relative with Bob White. Thanks so much as these people I only saw when they were older. Back in the late 1950's I flew out of Monache with Bob White...it was quite the trip flying with a bush pilot.
As for the Elder Corral, can't count the times I was there....The Elder family is also related to the Olivas'...see what I mean. Carmen Olivas...who came over from Mexico and packed to the mines, married Petra Diaz who was the daughter of Andrea Contreras who married an Elder. You have a pix of the Lone Pine Saloon way back when. Looking closer I see that my Great Grandfather's brother is there...Frank Olivas.
Next time I can find them I have one or two pix of lunch on the Hoppy set. My Great Aunt, Del Olivas drove the chuck wagon to the movie sets and we would go with her when we could. In the pix I have they were celebrating 100 shows or something like that, I'll be sure to keep my eye open for it. My Uncle wrote down the story of when he and Gabe Gill (Wendell's son) rode to Mt. Whitney.
Absolutely love your site.
March 2016
Nancy McEwen Writes |
Hi Ray,
I went on a Sierra Club Cleanup Trip to Mount Whitney in 1969. I remember it because the Gambler Special Plane Crash had just happened in February. It was also during the Summer Monsoon season. We were almost to the top of Mount Whitney, when the heavens opened up (with a combination of rain and snow). A park ranger had come running up the side of the mountain to tell us it was going to be closed. The guides left me under an overhang, and promised to come back and get me (which they did). I think my Mom would have had a fit if she could have seen me all by myself on that ledge, with a 1000 foot drop beneath me (just like in CliffHanger). On the way back down the mountain, we had to cross the creek. It was so swollen that we did it by everybody linking arms, and practically swimming across it. The pack horses and mules were NOT happy campers. I remember spending time in the climber's hut, which turns out to be the Smithsonian Institute lodge. So apparently I made it all the way to the top. I remember the doctor's wife had her legs give out, and had to be taken down the mountain on horseback. That trip was diverted to the Kennedy Peak area, where we actually lost a climber, a 16 year old boy. I was the one with heart problems - and had some trouble in the rarified air. I was busy proving to myself that I was just like everybody else ... apparently a lot of people with heart murmurs do just that, climb mountains.
Unfortunately, I did not take my camera with me, so I cannot add any photos. We did pack over 100 trash bags off the mountain, and most notably, a set of very rusty bedsprings. I don't know if you are in contact with anybody else who went on that wonderful trip, but I thought I would share my memories with you.
Nancy McEwen
Mount Whitney Climber 1969, age 16
July 2016 |

Shanon Mathers Mallory Writes |
Hi Ray,
I Thanks so much for sending these, they sure do bring back memories of my childhood with so many of these people… the Jefferson’s of course, the Morgan’s, Olivas’ and Joseph’s as well. I wish I had better photos of my dad, but the one you have is great and I know exactly which photo you’ve taken it from. I recently saw Irene Kritz at the LP reunion (she autographed one of her books for me) and she said she had an amazing photo of my dad and would try to find it. I hope she does.
Thank you again,
Shannon (Mathers) Mallory
July 2016 |
