
Mt. Whitney Pack Trains' Sierra Club High Trips 1946 - 1972 |

Many thanks
to the Sierra Club Librarian, Ellen Byrne, for providing me with
the High Trip itineraries from 1946 through the 1950s. |

The 1913 Outing to the Kings River Canon
By Lena Martha Redington

Packers gathered
around the Sierra Club Commissary at the Big Arroyo campground - summer 1954.
(Roberta Morgan is seated off to the right in the middle of the
five seated Sierra Clubbers.)
[Photo - courtesy of Bob Douglas] |

Carpenter (L) and Paul Kaufmann serving up breakfast on the Sierra
Club High Trip. |
Golden cooks soup for the Sierra Club High Trip with that famous
Sierra Club Cup at his side. |
[Photo - "1952 Sierra High Trip" by David R. Brower
in the June 1954 issue of the National Geographic Magazine] |

Club High Trippers enjoying some fine company at meal time in
the commissary.
[Photo - courtesy of Paul Lamos]
PS: If anyone can identify these folks, please e-mail me at
the address below and let me know who they are.
