Nancy Droubay
Nancy Droubay Archives - 1
Mt. Whitney Packers
of the 1940s - 1970s

All photos courtesy of Nancy Droubay unless otherwise noted.
See USE NOTICE on Home Page

of My Packing Days
Nancy Droubay
1945 my family moved to Darwin, a deserted mining camp between
Death Valley and Owens Valley, to reopen the mines. We lived
there for eight years while the mines prospered and I met the
Morgan family through my love of horses.
My family would spend time in Death Valley playing golf and I
would hang around the stables where Morgans kept their horses
in the winter. Roberta Morgan and I became good friends during those
years. From Friday evening till Sunday evening I would stay with
the Morgans who always had extra kids as well as five of their
own. During the day, Roberta and I would work at the stables
saddling horses and going with guests who wanted to ride but
were unsure of where to go. (The horses all knew exactly where
to go: straight back to the corral!!) In the afternoon we would
sometimes go swimming at Furnace Creek Inn with several other
kids and at age 12 I would borrow my folks car to take us all
up there.
In the evenings, there were square dances: Friday at Furnace
creek Ranch and Saturday at Furnace Creek Inn. Bruce Morgan was the
caller and Grace Morgan (his wife) was the
continued below] |

Jefferson, guitarist and balladeer
1954 Sierra Club High Trip |

Poncho shoeing one of his mules
graceful and talented dancer. She taught the dances to the guests
so they all had a good time. All the Morgan kids, their friends
and the other people who lived and worked in Death Valley would
dance with the guests too so everybody had a very good time.
Getting ready for the dances was different then than it is now!!!
There was one bathroom and Grace and Bruce got it first. After
that the kids got ready. There was a tub - no shower - and hot
water was at a premium. Barbara Morgan and Enid Morgan, the older Morgan girls
got the first bath - together. Then Roberta and I took our baths
in their same water. Nobody wanted to use our bath water so I
think the boys, Charles, Richard and whoever else was staying
there got the last, somewhat cold bath. There was no lingering
in the bathroom!!!
continued below] |
Packers on
the 1954 Mt. Whitney Pack Trains' Sierra Club High Trip to the
Big Arroyo

L to
R: Back Row (seated on log) - Skip Parker, Billy Bishop, Roberta
Morgan, Bruce Morgan
L to R: Front Row (in & on the rocks) - Larry Berry, Graham
Boswell, Gary Poncho,
Tommy Jefferson, J. Tugwell Malone,
Lester Bellas (standing on the right), Clyde
of the Mt. Whitney Pack Trains' 1954 Sierra Club High Trip to
the Big Arroyo country. |

J. Tugwell Malone |
the summer, I went to live at Carroll Creek Pack Station where
Roberta and I shared a tiny tent top and did our chores as directed
by the older Morgans. Doing horse stuff was what we liked to
do but there was washing, ironing and tending the office in Lone
Pine that we had to do too. Roberta's objections to some of these
assignments was vocal, loud, and sometimes quite physical. I
used to think that we would be struck by lightening if she didn't
shut up. Of course nobody would do anything like this around
Bruce. His response to poor behavior was: " You either get
tanned or canned!!!" My goal at that time was to work for
Mt Whitney Pack Trains FOREVER.
There was something magical about working for MWPT. Something
that can't be put into words. Silly kids learned how to work,
be responsible and part of a team. There's something about THE
MOUNTAINS that stays in your heart for the next 60+ years and
makes everything you do a little better. Working with mules and
horses and even those *^#^&* burros built character. And
the people we met as both packers and guests broadened our horizons.
by Nancy Droubay |

Billy Bishop
shoeing "Appy" |

Bobby Douglas on Blue

Bobby Douglas
in packer's camp.
L to R: SC girl,
SC girl, Bobby Douglas |

"The 49th (1954) Sierra Club High Trip"

L to R (on the log): J. Tug Malone, Larry Berry, Roberta Morgan,
Lester Bellas, Billy Bishop, Tommy Jefferson, Clyde Poncho,
Parker, Gary Poncho, Graham Boswell
(Seated in front) - Bruce Morgan
on the Mt. Whitney Pack Trains' 1953 Sierra Club High Trip to the Mt. Whitney
back country. |
L/R: Pete Garner, Don Felix, and Gary Poncho on the 1952 Sierra Club High Trip to the Muro Blanco
country between Sawmill Pass
and Taboose Pass |

L/R: Wendell
Gill, Gabe Gill, and "Cowboy Joe (?)" on the 1952 Sierra Club High Trip to the Muro Blanco
country between
Sawmill Pass and Taboose Pass |
L/R: unknown, unknown, unknown |
L/R (back row): Sierra Club boy, Sierra Club girl, Packer Joe ?
L/R (front Row): Nancy Droubay, Sierra Clubber "Mr. Peepers",
Bobby Douglas
1954 Sierra Club High Trip |
L/R: Nancy Droubay, Lester Bellas, Roberta Morgan, ?, ?, ? |
L to R (front):
Nancy Droubay, Bobby Douglas, Lester Bellas, Billy Bishop
L to R (back): Roberta Morgan, Tommy Jefferson |

Bruce Morgan |
Sierra Club "Pilgrims" |

Skip Parker, Clyde Poncho, Roberta Morgan, Nancy Droubay |
Roberta Morgan, Unknown |
Unknown |
Clyde Poncho |
Unknown, Unknown, Unknown |
Unknown |
Nancy Droubay |
Lester Bellas |
Skip Parker - 1954 Sierra Club High Trip at Lost Canyon |
Skip Parker - 1954 Sierra Club High Trip |
Skip Parker - 1954 Sierra Club High Trip |
