Nancy Droubay
Nancy Droubay Archives - 2
Mt. Whitney Packers
of the 1940s - 1970s

All photos courtesy of Nancy Droubay unless otherwise noted.
See USE NOTICE on Home Page

Uncle Don and Tommy Jeffersonn |

L/R: Leppy Diaz, Helen ?, Billy Bishop |
Lee Tyler, Mineral King packer - 1954 Sierra Club High Trip |
Kenny Cofelt, Mineral King packer - 1954 Sierra Club High Trip |
Crossing the Kern River on the High Sierra Trail with the Sierra Club - 1954 |
Crossing the Kern River on the High Sierra Trail with the Sierra Club - 1954 |
L/R: Joe ?, Nancy Droubay (head only), Sharon ?, Roberta Morgan,
"Doc" Lary Serurriern |
L/R (back row): Joe ?, Clyde Poncho, Skip Parker, Bobby Douglas
L/R (front row):
Tommy Jefferson, Nancy Droubay, Roberta Morgan
1954 Sierra Club High Trip |

L/R: Clyde Poncho, Tommy Jefferson, Joe ? |

Clyde Poncho |

"The 49th (1954) Sierra Club High Trip"

Clyde Poncho at Nine Lakes Basin |
L/R: Barbara Morgan, Joe ?, Govie ? |

Barbara Morgan - Christmas 1952 |
Ann Droubay (sister), Red Droubay (dad), Helen Droubay (mom) |
Laying out 20-mule team rigging in Death Valley
L/R: Mechelle ?, Helen ?, Nancy Droubay, Julie ? |

Mitz ? and Judy ? |
Helen Droubay and "Baby" - 1952 |
L/R: Helen Droubay, Nancy Droubay, Julie ?, Mechelle ?, Helen ?
L/R: Barbara Morgan and Nancy Droubay - 1952 Death Valley |
Unknown |
Roberta Morgan |
Roberta Morgan |

Roberta Morgan |
Nancy Droubay |

L/R: Nancy Droubay, Skip Parker (in car), and Barbara Morgan
Death Valley - 1952
Nancy Droubay on "Baby" |
Roberta Morgan and Judy |
Roberta Morgan on Buelah and Nancy Droubay on Judy |
Roberta Morgan on Buelah the mule |

Roberta Morgan |
Sashn and Baby (dark horse) |
Skip Parker and Barbara Morgan - 1952 Death Valley |
Skip Parker and Chaz ? |

L/R: Frannie ?, Nancy Droubay, Janice ?, Roberta Morgan

Roberta Morgan on Judy |
